We design investment solutions customized to your investment profile that seek to maximize return, minimize risk and provide consistent, stable returns.
We recommend diversifying across asset classes, geographic areas, market capitalization and investment management styles.
We maintain a balanced approach through all economic cycles and market conditions.
We allow long-term trends and not short-term events to guide investment decisions that are designed to achieve each client’s objectives.
Superior long-term investment results are best achieved by actually focusing on the long term and ignoring the daily noise in the market – we have found that often the best thing to do is to ignore most of what is going on and remain calm.
Staying invested and ignoring periods of short-term underperformance, although difficult, is a crucial act when it comes to achieving successful investing outcomes.
We invest in businesses that are growing their cash flows, allocating capital effectively, and are growing the value of the overall business. Our focus is to ensure that they are continuing to grow their business values over time, irrespective of what their share prices may do in the short term. We look for value that will be realized over the long term.
Risk is the potential for permanent loss of capital. We don’t equate the volatility of the short-term ups and downs of the company’s share price with risk.
Focusing on longer periods of time enables us to outperform, as most investors are fixated on the short term.
Our investment strategies are designed to be long term, diversified and strategic.
Good investing is not about what you know – it’s about how you behave.
Good investing is not about making great decisions – it’s about not making mistakes.